If you just finished watching Emma Radecanu beat fellow teen Leylah Fernandez in the 2021 U.S. Open final, then there is a good chance you are inspired. Whether you like the Djoker or not, you have to admit it is incredible to watch history being made. And if you are a beginner reading this and have no idea what we are talking about, start by watching the replays!
Chances are, though, you are a new coach, parent, or player wanting to know how to teach and learn tennis as a beginner. It’s a daunting task. But the truth is, with a little patience and determination, teaching beginner tennis doesn’t have to be complicated.
First, you need to think about the grips and hand-eye coordination. Teaching a kid and an adult will be two different things. From there, you can move on to cover all the shots, apply them together, and of course, incorporate some fun.
This is your absolute ultimate guide to teaching the next Emma Radecanu.
Table of Contents
Teach The Basic Shots
When it comes to teaching beginner tennis, the first thing that should be understood is that there are two types of spin. Regardless of whether you will try to teach them both at first or just focus on topspin, it’s essential to let them know what the two are.
- Topspin is when the ball rotates forward because the racket has made contact under the ball and finished over the ball. This happens so fast that it is difficult to see with the human eye but in slow motion you can really see the under-over motion.
- Slice is when the ball rotates backwards or to the side. This is when the racket cuts or chops at the ball causing it to skid upon bounce rather than bounce higher like the topspin.
From here, you can teach all the basic shots that consist of the game.
- Forehand
- Backhand
- Serve
- Volleys
Within these categories, we can learn drives, swing volleys, drop shots, and more. Some coaches like to keep things simple, and that’s OK! But it is always a great idea to introduce all the different parts of the game to a beginner, so they have a comprehensive view.
The forehand is a dominant shot for many. This is where a right or lefty will take the racket in their dominant hand and swing with just that hand as opposed to two. While there are a few different grips on the market, the best one to pursue is the semi-western.
The best way to find the semi-west for a beginner is to lay the racket completely down on the floor and press their palm flat against it with their thumb on one side of the handle and their fingers on the other side. Picking it up from here will pretty much put the beginner in the right position.
Once they have that, you will want to teach them the motion. Remember, since they are a beginner, learning clean contact will be the emphasis as the stroke develops. Here are the steps you can take when teaching beginner tennis.
- Have the player turn the racket strings out so that they are facing the wall. This is your set position. A lot of coaches will say you can use your dominant hand to guide and turn the racket strings out so that your shoulder remains closed to the net or opponent.
- From here the player will drop the racket head back away from your body to get into the loaded position.
- Stepping forward with likely at first your left foot, swing towards the ball and finish with your racket over your shoulder so the buttcap of the racket is facing your opponent.
- The entire motion should like like you are painting a Nike swoosh with the head of the racket. This motion should be fluid and have no pasues from start to finish.
The backhand is the shot on the opposite side of your body with your dominant hand on the bottom of the racket and your non-dominant hand over the top of the bottom hand. This is a two-handed swing the follows some of the same principles as the forehand. Generally speaking, grips remain the same, with a few people teaching inefficient or funky grips.
Your dominant hand on the bottom will want to take the continental grip. This is the same grip as your serve, and to find this grip, you will want to use the shake the racket’s handle method. This is simply turning the racket, so the strings are facing either side of you, so all you can see is the side of the frame. From here, shake hands with the racket. This is your continental.
Now for your non-dominant hand, you will want to find an eastern grip. This grip is between semi-western and continental. The reason for taking on an eastern grip as opposed to a semi-western is because the power from more difficult positions helps you.
There are a few different forms of backhands on the market because it can be a tricky shot to master. As a beginner, we are going to teach the same method as the forehand for the backhand side. The difference is you can have a set position just like the forehand, or it can be straight back.
- Put your racket into the setting position by handing your strings face the walls so you can see them like you would on the forehand. Since you are using both hands, automatically your shoulder will need to turn so that it is facing the net and closing your stance off. This helps you properly load into the setting position.
- Now if you haven’t already taken your racket straight back, you will drop the head into the same setting position of the forehand so that the racket head is slightly below your hands. This allows you to get under the ball to create topspin.
- Use your right or left foot (depending on whether you are righty or lefty) to close your stance and start your momentum forward. For here, you will still finish with your swing over your shoulders and the buttcap facing forward.
For the most part, the motion remains in the Nike swoosh pattern we talk about, creating a fluid start to finish shot.
The serve is one of the most critical shots in the game. Not enough coaches put an emphasis on learning how to serve well from a young age. Even if you are teaching an adult, understanding the serve starts the point and sets the tons is important.
The serve, in general, will be taught in a simple motion but can be one of the trickier things to teach. While we will explain the different kinds of serves there are, adding in spins too early can mess with the ability to learn with motion.
The serve will always be taught with a continental grip. There are no other grips that are taught with this kind of shot because of the way the motion works.
Kinds of Serves:
Here let’s talk about the different spins one can put on a serve.
First, we have the flat serve, which is most commonly learned at the beginning stages of tennis because it is the easiest to make contact with. There is no real spin that is put on the ball because it is hit dead on with the strings. Sometimes people refer to this as a pancake serve. The flat serve is also the riskiest. Typically, the better you are, flat serves will be reserved for big serves that players are looking to ace their opponent with. The ball toss is usually slightly in front of you to get that forward motion.
The second easiest serve to teach is actually the slice. This is because it comes natural when enforcing the continental grip. Slice serves hit the outside of the ball so that when they land in, the ball keeps spinning out in that direction. Most of the time, these serves are used for wide serves and T-serves, but they can also be used to hit into the body of your opponent. The ball toss is slightly to the side of you to get that extra cut.
The last kind of serve is the kick serve, which uses topspin to make the ball jump up on the opponent and get it over their comfort striking zone. Kick serves get under the ball with a lot of acceleration, so the ball rotates so much that it comes back in. Kick serves can be used for first serves but are also commonly used for second serves. The ball toss is slightly over the head for a kick serve.
Steps for Learning the Service Motion:
Whether you are teaching a flat or slice, serve the motion will remain relatively the same. We will explain this in terms of a righty, and for lefties, they can follow the exact opposite instructions.
- Start on the deuce side with your left foot about a foot from the center mark and your toes pointing towards the right netpost. Your right foot should be about a foot diagonally behind your left foot so your hips remain pointing towards the net and your left shoulder angled away from your opponent.
- The blal will be in your left hand while your racket will be in your right hand with the continental grip. Your starting position will have the racket slightly in front of your pointing towards the net in the hand shaking position while your left hand with the ball rests just under the racket.
- As your left hand goes to throw the ball up so it meets 1 O’Clock, your racket will drop down and start to come up behind you . Your right foot will come up to meet your left foot as you get in the loaded position .When your right arm reaches the point where it can’t go back any further it will bring the racket up into what is called the trophy position. This looks very similar to when a quarterback gets set to launch the ball.
- As the ball reaches its apex the racket head will start to drop and then launch up towards the ball to meet contact right before it starts to come down. As your finish the racket will cross over on the left side of the body, while you land on your left foot.
Before adding in changing the toss to find different spins, work on the consistency and fluidity of this motion. If a server struggles to make contact, you can start from the trophy position to simplify it at first.
Volleys can be either forehand or backhand and are out-of-the-air shots that are typically taken around the net area. There are regular volleys, and there are swing or drive volleys. The most traditional way to volley is at the net with the continental grip.
The motion itself is short, and volleys are really meant to be put away shots and end the point. When a player approaches the next, it is because they are trying to finish the point quickly. It can be a putaway volley or a drop volley that requires a level of touch and good feel with your hands.
Regular Volley:
To learn a regular volley, start halfway between the service line and the net in the middle of the court. Take the continental grip with your dominant hand. In this case, we will speak in terms of being a righty, and again you can assume the opposite if you are lefty.
- For the forehand volley will start with a split step. This is simply jumping up and down once on the balls of your feet. The split step actually is the fundamental starting point of every shot. You should have about 2 feet of space between your feet in this position so you are athletic.
- As the ball comes, anticipate taking it out of the air. You will step diagonally with your left foot and turn your shoulders slightly at a 45-degree angle so your left shoulder moves slightly in the direction of the net.
- Your racket take back will only be a little with the racket strings open and slanted as if you were going to catch the ball with your hands.
- Your contact point should be just out in front of you as you finish a step or two closer to the net. You should hot have a big follow through as a lot people may refer to this shot sort of like a karate chop.
- Unlike topspin the ball will have an undercut spin which is technically referred to as slice. Not topspin.
Now we can talk about the backhand volley as it follows similar patterns, but it is slightly different as it is on the opposite side of your body.
- For the backhand volley you will also start with the split step but this time you will use your right foot to close off your stance at a 45-degree angle rather than use your left foot.
- While the right hand remains on the bottom of the racket you can use your left hand to balance the top of the racket by holding the throat when you make contact. This provides stability and you will let go as you have a short follow through.
- The same underspin slice is used and follows a very similar motion to the slice except it is abbreviated.
Swinging volleys follow a completely different set of motions than the regular volleys and are usually reserved for high balls as you enter the court that are above your shoulder. This is because it is hard to control a volley that high and it can be used as an alternative to an overhead.
Regardless of whether you are hitting a backhand or a forehand swinging volley, you should know that they will be identical to your groundstrokes except in the area. The motion and the grips remain the same while you take it out of the air.
Swinging volleys are great because they allow a player to take charge of the point and come in when a player is consistently lobbing them. If a player takes a swing volley, but the point does not end there, it is likely that they will follow that next ball in for a real volley. Backing up somewhat defeats the purpose but is not unheard of before.
The return of serve is one of the most important shots right along with serve. Something that a lot of players don’t realize is technically, you do not have control over the return of service because of what your opponent can do. However, you can practice this shot, again and again, to make it better.
We will go over drills to help this process, but it is important to know what the steps are to good technique when returning.
- Your position on the return of serve may change slightly by a step to the right or a step to the left depending on what your opponent is doing. But for beginners you will always want to start with your outer foot about 6 inches from the singles line. That way you can cover most of the box.
- The return of service is going to start with a split step. What’s different from this split step and other shots is that you are likely only going to take one to two more steps to return the ball.
- That’s why you will have to decide whether to hit a closed stance or an open stance shot. Closed stance means taking your dianogal foot and closing off your shoulders while open means taking your outer foot and leaving your body open to the opponent.
- Open stance is good particularly for wide serves because it is more efficient. However, it can be a more difficult shot to pull off which is why many beginners use closed stance.
Returns can really go anywhere in the court, but because most of the time we are not in control, it makes the most sense for them to go back up the middle as deep as possible. If it is a second serve, we are more in control which is why you will see players going for more aggressive shots and even winners up the line or cross-court.
While returns follow the same patterns of groundstrokes or slices often you will notice players sharpen their swings and keep them very compact. This is because the serve is one of the hardest-hitting shots, and it comes in very fast. Timing is incredibly important on the return, so players try to simplify what they are doing and avoid taking large swings.
Yes! Now it is time to kick some ace! We love drills and working on these shots, and just because you are teaching beginner tennis doesn’t mean that there aren’t some fantastic drills for each and every shot. These drills we present below are going to be a mix of technical drills, tactical drills, and footwork drills since they all play an important role in learning.
We can generally break down the categories, but you may see some shots in combination with others to work on fluidity and practice real point structure. It’s important to keep encouraging a beginner, whether they are an adult or a child because it can take some time to understand how the racket works with the hand-eye coordination of everything.
If they don’t get it right away, that’s OK, and there is always a way to simplify the drills before moving on to other ones. In the end, we talk about fun because it’s important to incorporate that for all ages at the risk of losing interest early on. Not everything should be or can be technical.
These drills are meant to develop the forehand. We will start with the purest form of forehand drilling and move on to more complicated drills.
Hand Feeds From Different Court Positions
This is the most simple drill because it should be your starting point. You need to teach them the motion of the forehand described above. Naturally, people want to start their clients at the baseline, but the big open court can imitate them. Regardless of whether they are a kid or an adult, start them at the service line or just behind it.
Feed easy out-of-hand balls standing a few feet from them and let them practice the swing and the timing of the ball. Don’t have them hit any area, just over the net. If they struggle to make contact, have them do a few shadow swings.
If they are doing really well, move them back to the baseline. Once they get the hang of that, you can work on having them aim for big general areas like down the line and cross-court.
Moving From the Center
It is never too early to have your client move towards the ball. Once they have a hang of the motion, have them start at the center mark and feed to them, having them move sidewards and forward to go get the ball. This will introduce the hand-eye coordination of the feet.
Baseline Rally
Even if your new prospect isn’t quite able to rally for hundreds of balls, it is important to get them on their feet and moving in a real situation. You can rally with their baseline to baseline or look at rallying with them from what we call no man’s land. This is between the service box and the baseline. Spend at least 10 minutes a lesson doing this because it is the fastest way a player can learn to adjust to moving on the court and hitting.
Target Practice
Target practice can be fun. If a coach offers incentives and rewards, it can be really fun. When a beginner starts to get a feel for the racket and the angles that produce certain shots, you can start to incorporate target practice. It’s important to still have big targets but practice controlling the ball generally by making a distinction as to whether they will hit cross-court or down-the-line.
Of course, when you teach them, you will work a little bit more on the technical and footwork aspect of this drill as the body will be more closed on the cross-court and more open on the down-the-line.
Anything that we have taught you above can be done exactly the same on the backhand and should be done! We are now going to take this opportunity to introduce a few more difficult drills for those who like to learn quickly. Anything that we do here can also be taught for the forehand.
You may already think that we don’t need to slice on the forehand, but this is not true. Slice can be a very effective shot, even if it is more traditionally seen on the backhand side. Nonetheless, all players at any level should practice hand-fed slice shots. What can be difficult about hand-fed here is that it’s easier to hit a slice when there is momentum.
Hand-fed balls don’t produce momentum. That’s why for this drill, you will really have to focus on the player moving forward while hitting through the ball. You don’t have to really set up targets as this can be a difficult shot to learn, but then again, if the player learns quickly, you can.
Rally Cross Take One Line
Once the player really starts to develop an idea for moving and hitting, you can move on to beginner skills that are a little more fun. Rallying cross-court is a great skill to have in tennis, and all players should take the time to do it once they can rally in general. However, it is never too early to start learning how to change direction. When you work on rallying with the player, allow them to choose a ball to take down the line.
You should explain to them that this ball should be one that they are comfortable with and are in a good position to make that choice. This means being in control and stepping forward towards the ball rather than being late.
Approach Shots
Learning to move forward in the court is important, which is why you can teach the approach shot two different ways with drilling. A beginner will have to learn to move into the court, and developing a way to come to the net early on is powerful.
- You can do simple feeding approach shots where you feed from the opposite side of the court and allow the player to run in and hit the approach shot. You can have them volley up with a volley or focus just on this shot and the technique/footwork that goes along with it.
- You can do something similar to the rally cross idea except you can rally from the middle and when you see fit feed in a short ball to allow the player to have a more realistic type of drill. Often it is encouraged to volley up with a volley because this is the most likely case in a match or point play.
Serving is something not enough players do, so if you are a beginner and you put a priority on it from an early age, then it is something to be reckoned with. A lot of people think that there aren’t many serving drills out there, but they are wrong. While a lot of them are, in fact, target drills, there are some games that can be done to improve focus and tactics.
Target Practice
Target practice is, in fact, one of the most valuable things you can do on serve. Hitting the targets consistently will help you win matches and earn a lot of free points. To do so, simply place a target in the T, Wide, and Body areas of the service box. You can choose a number of serves to go to that area, wait till you hit the target or any method you want to practice hitting these areas.
Remember that you can use the kick serve or flat for the T, the slice for the wide, and the flat kick, or slice for the body. Determining where you place the serve in the match will be based on your opponent’s weaknesses.
Serve Plus One
Serve plus one is a drill used from beginner players to professionals. It is a combination of shots that prove to be some of the most important when it comes to playing points. Serve plus one means working on the first shot that comes after the serve. Since we rely so heavily on our service to put us in a position of offense, it’s important to capitalize on the next ball.
There are a few ways to play this scenario out.
- Your coach can hand feed you the next ball from the same side of the court. They may try to reward you for a good serve by giving you a short ball or an approach shot. This is important to practice because the need to move up to the ball and put it away.
- Your coach can also feed from the other side of the court giving you an easy, neutral, or difficult ball to work with. We don’t always get rewarded for good serves especially if we face a great returner so being prepared for any kind of ball is important.
- The best situation is playing live ball where you actually have someone returning on the other side of the net for you. They can dictate where they are going to return if you are going to work on a specific shot or it can be random to give you the most realistic situation.
Scoring Drills
We will talk a little more about teaching score, but if your beginner already knows how to keep score, you can use the service to play a set against themselves. For every first serve, they make you can give them the point. If they miss the first serve, have them hit a second serve. If they make it, give them the point. You can play this way until they reach a number or a set.
You can also make it more difficult by setting up targets that they need to hit on their first and second serves. This is a great way to improve focus and performance at certain points. This drill, in particular, may be a little advanced for a beginner, but it is great to push the limits and see what they come up with.
You can modify this drill as much as you want to keep it interesting for the player.
Everything we have just named for the serve can also be done for the return. All the drills above are fantastic drills to focus on with the return because, again, these are the most important shots of the match. This is especially true of the plus one because return plus one is also important.
For instance, if you return a difficult serve and you are successful in getting back to neutral, you want to make sure you capitalize on the chance of starting the point on equal footing. Having said that, here are a few more drills you can work on.
Second Serve Putaways
Sometimes you really need to be aggressive on the second serve, and we get nervous to go for a shot. It is important to go for it and really go after it, but that only comes with practice of increasing the aggressiveness of your court position by moving forward. You can implement target practice with this and work on really being aggressive. You can even work on coming in afterward.
Changing Positions
Not everyone returns well from the same position against the same opponent. That’s why it’s important to continually push yourself to take subtle steps to your right or left to work on positioning. This has a big part in being able to read, serve and take practice. If you notice that your opponent is constantly serving wide, then you will want to go ahead and take some steps to the right to be able to cover that off-court angle.
If they keep hitting you up the T, then you may want to take a step to the left. Most important players want to find their strength which means sometimes taking a step to the right or left to get more returns off of it. Typically, this is the forehand. That’s why you will see a lot of players move to the left to hit inside out or regular forehands. Just be careful not to be too obvious, or you expose the wide serve again.
Volleys and Overheads
Volleys are one of those shots that aren’t nearly practiced enough. Oftentimes we see kids constantly playing from the baseline with no real good idea on how to move forward. The only time we see this is actually adults who are learning to play doubles over singles.
Practicing volley drills and overheads are a huge part in being aggressive. Let’s talk about the different drills you can do.
Target Practice
Volleys require quick hands, so having an instructor feed off the racket or rally with you so you can practice your volleys is important. Target practice is also crucial. But unlike some of the earlier target practices, it is important to really incorporate some moving with this. That’s because, for volleys, you’re constantly moving. Ideally, you always want to be moving forward regardless of whether you are practicing regular colleys or you are practicing swing volleys.
Set up targets over the court and be clear about which ones you are going for. This requires momentum and footwork, so this is one of the best drills you can do.
Mix Up
One of the best drills you can do for your volleys and your overheads is to have someone mix up volleys and overheads together randomly. This gets people on their toes and keeps them in what is considered to be a live situation. Oftentimes when we come to the net to volley, we end up getting the combination of volleys and overheads so it is a perfectly realistic situation you are likely to experience in the match regardless of your level.
Drop Volleys
As we mentioned, not all volleys are big forceful smashes. While the drop volley is certainly risky, it is worth practicing when your opponent is far from the baseline. Drop volleys require a lot of touch and can be practiced by catching the ball with an open hand. You will want to open the face of the strings a lot more than you do with regular volleys. Another great way to practice this is actually just feeding yourself a ball and tapping it over. Then work on it out of the air and adjust your hands.
You may be one of those people that is absolutely thrilled by the amount of information that we have gone over when learning how to teach beginner tennis. You may also be a person that wants to have fun rather than reading about it. That’s why we have dedicated this section for fun drills and games that you can teach adults or kids in groups. We will label if a game is specifically for kids.
Lions Den KIDS: Lion’s den is a crowd-pleaser with kids and works best when you have a group of them ready to play. For a kid to be safe from the lion’s den, you need to have them successfully hit the ball over the net into the designated area (the court). If they don’t make the ball over in one or however many tries you deem fit, then they need to drop their racket and race over to the other side of the net. This is called the lion’s den.
The only way for the kid to get out of the lion’s den is to catch another kid’s ball either out of the air or on a certain amount of bounces. This is solely dependent on the age and the kid’s skill level. This drill is great for beginners because they don’t really hit hard enough to injure kids, and it is a great way to practice hand-eye coordination.
Dingles ADULTS: Dingles is a favorite even for the highest of tennis players. Dingles starts by having four players rally with two balls each. They will be assigned in pairs either by hitting down the line or cross-court. When one rally ends, that person needs to yell out DINGLES. This signals that the point has started between the four players, and they have to now all play a point with the remaining ball that is left.
This is just a fun and silly game that allows players to work on their rallying and then quickly turn competitive with each other. To win the point, the team must win both the rally of the first ball and the point with the last ball, or else the entire thing is null.
Some people just care about the last ball if it becomes null; this is a fine way to play in general.
School KIDS: School teaches kids how to control the ball from an early age. You will set up targets in the court, starting close to the net and moving the targets all the way back to the baseline. They should be in line because this is where the child is going to hit the ball from. When they make the shot, they will advance to the next point, which is considered a grade level.
When a kid misses the shot, they will have to go down a grade level, and the next kid can start their journey. The first kid to graduate or to make it all the way back to the highest target is going to be the kid that wins the game.
Regular points ADULTS. If you are teaching a normal class, it is important to let the adults play singles or doubles points. This is the fun of tennis and ultimately why people sign up. So regardless of the level, let them play.
Teaching Adults VS Kids
It’s important to note that teaching kids and adults at the beginning stages is different in some ways and the same in others. The techniques, motions, and drills will be the same, but the way you teach should be different. Here are a few rules of thumb to follow when you are teaching kids or adults tennis.
- Do not be patronizing to adults. The same games you play with kids are not going to be the same as the adults. This is because the objective is different and kis may take a little longer to grasp certain things. When you are speaking to an adult, treat them as one. They understand what they need to do but need the time to accomplish that.
- Kids are there to have fun. This is why incorporating a lot of games is important. Kids are still learning their coordination and it is a big part of tennis which is why it’s important to keep the tennis fun and to focus on overall development rather than technique technique technique.
- When teaching an adult, ask what their goals are. Each adult is going to be coached very differently. Some adults want a social hour while others want to get active and lose weight. Some adults are going to be very serious about tennis and want to really learn the technique of the game and even compete on club teams. Establishing what they want and checking in with them is important.
- With kids make sure you communicate with the parents. Parents sometimes have big expectations for kids and it’s important that everyone is on the same page. At the early stage a kid should really just be learning the basics and it should be about fun. As they develop goals can certainly change. This is why communication is so important.
- You can teach all different ages at the same time. It is no walk in the park but it is possible. Challenging younger ones to rise up to older ones is always fun for them. It’s important to try not to go the other way around though where you hold back to olders ones to stay with the little ones. By mixing in games and teams you can create a good environment that works for everyone.
Most coaches actually forget that teaching scoring is a big part of teaching beginner tennis regardless of whether they are an adult or they are a kid. Tennis is actually no walk in the park when it comes to learning scoring, and once people finally get it, it’s fine, but it doesn’t make all that much sense. This is especially true because there are even different types of scoring depending on where and what type of event you are playing.
Traditional Scoring
Traditional scoring is when the best of three sets are played. A set consists of 6 games, and a game consists of the first to four points by two. Except the points don’t go 1-4. It goes:
0- Love
Game. or (Deuce or Ad)
This is where the explanation can start to get tricky. The best way to teach the score is to simply play a match with normal scoring. You should also emphasize that a set must be won by two games or a tiebreak at 6-6. This tiebreak is the first to seven points by two.!
Phew, that was a lot.
Some coaches think that young kids don’t really need to worry about learning the score, but this isn’t true. It is really important to learn the score because kids can start competing in the 10 and under division as long as they are ready. They will be responsible for keeping track of their own scoring.
8-Game Pro Sets
This is used in a couple of different leagues and particularly in college doubles. Eight game pro sets are a replacement for two traditional sets. The scoring remains the same, except you play one set to right by two with a tiebreak at 8-8.
This is sometimes used for consolation draws or even younger age tournaments because they tend to be quicker than the full sets. Sometimes you will even see them implement no-ad scoring, which means at deuce, the following point wins.
10-Point Tiebreaker
Sometimes in lieu of the third set to also save time, a 10-point tiebreak will be the final match decider. This means the player who reaches 10 points first by two will win the match. The serving will follow the same rules as all tiebreakers, with the first person serving one point followed by 2 serves each alternative.
Step by Step
Regardless of whether you are a beginner or you are a coach about to teach some new beginners, that was a lot of information to process. It’s important to really teach the different types of tennis shots so that a beginner can understand what the “end” product looks like. It may take them a long time to get to a place where they are happy, and if we are being honest, all players never stop developing.
But by using this guide to develop the shots and then using the drills to practice them, you will have a beginner picking up tennis in no time. But age matters, and how you treat your client matters. Kids need to have fun and so do adults. But how they have fun is entirely different.
It’s important not to hold anyone back and allow them to make a lot of mistakes. Challenging them is a part of learning, so going for drills that even the pros do at an early stage is not a bad thing. You just need to keep enforcing technique and motion along with it.
Now that you have got all you need, don’t wait to start getting into the swing of things!